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How To Eat A Proper Vegan Diet - A Little Guideline

Have your "Dos & Don'ts" always at hand and find the perfect way of eating vegan for yourself.



Raw Bliss Balls small batches for everyday - Marina Kristensen



E-Book, Language: English
Gluten Free
Refined Sugar Free
This E-Book contains 15 delicious raw treats.
I, Marina Kristensen, created these recipes especially for people, who want to make small batches of healthy treats that are easy to make and inexpensive. I also used ingredients everyone can get they hands on; so nothing too fancy. Still all recipes are creative and individual.
From "Strawberry Marmelade ShortBreat" and "Crunchy Chocolate" to "Sesame Vanilla" every tastebud will finds a match.
In diesem E-Book findet Ihr 15 süße Rohkost Leckereien.
Ich, Marina Kristensen, habe diese Rezepte extra für Menschen kreiert, die gesunde Naschereien in kleinen Portionen herstellen möchten. Außerdem habe ich darafu geachtet, dass jeder an die Zutaten herankommen kann; somit einfache Zutaten und dennoch kreativ und individuell.
Von "Strawberry Marmelade ShortBreat" und "Crunchy Chocolate" bis zu "Sesame Vanilla" jeder Geschmacksnerv findet einen Freund.

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